Discovery Groups (also known as Discovery Bible Studies – DBS) are merely groups where friends/family come together to see for themselves what the Bible says and how it can effect our lives. Anyone can lead one! Just gather some friends and ask the questions. You can start with one of the passage lists on the below. 

Discovery Bible Study Process

Open with a time of connection. As we grow in relationship, we build trust and create safety for deeper discussions and mutual encouragement and healing.
  1. What are you thankful for?
  2. What’s a challenge you’re facing?
  3. How did you do with last week’s ‘I Will’ statement?
  4. Did you share what we talked about with anyone?

The questions are non-threatening and simple,
allowing anyone to share.

These questions are not overtly “spiritual” at first,
but they become the foundation for key aspects of
following Jesus in community: thankfulness leads to
worship and praise, discussing our challenges leads
to confession and vulnerability, reconnecting on ”I will”
statements leads to accountability.
Explore the Bible together. Use the following instructions and questions to help you lean on the Holy Spirit to teach you as you Discover Jesus and His teachings.
  1. Pray the Disciples Prayer together.
  2. Read the passage. 
  3. Have someone put it in their own words.
  4. What stands out to you?
  5. What does this text say about God?
  6. What does this text say about people?

Discovering truth on your own (or in a group) is more
powerful than simply being told the truth.

Simple questions like these allow everyone to be on
the same page.

The Discovery Process allows the Holy Spirit to be the
teacher rather than a person, helping to avoid false
teaching or over-dependence on a gifted individual.

These questions help create spiritually hungry
disciples who are”self-feeding.” They teach people
how to hear from God, not just what the text says.

These questions are theologically “safe” as
well as spiritually deep.

These questions are reproducible in every setting.
This empowers anyone and everyone to make
disciples wherever they are.

Pray this together before every Bible Study:

Father, I come to you now in the name of Your Son Jesus.
I ask, that by the power of Your Holy Spirit, You…
Give me ears to hear what You want me to hear
Give eyes to see what You want me to see
Give me a mind to think what You want me to think
Give me the heart to feel what You want me to feel
Give me the will to do what You want me to do,
everyday of my life.
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
The way of Jesus is much more than just a belief system. It's a way of life. If we want to grow as disciples and disciple-makers, we must obey whatever The Lord Jesus commands us. Our growth is on the other side of our obedience.
  1. How can you specifically live out this passage in the next few days? 
  2. Everyone creates an ‘I Will’ statement
  3. Who are you going to tell about what you discovered?

These are the most important questions!

DBS groups focus on response (obedience) over
gaining knowledge. “I will" statements are incredibly
important. Make them as specific as possible (the
more vague, the harder to accomplish).

By focusing on obedience, people experience God
throughout the week, and begin their discipleship by
following rather than merely agreeing with God.

When people who are just discovering God tell others
what they're learning, new groups and viral growth
are possible! People notice changed lives!


A great Discovery Group is rooted the following key pillars of thinking and implement these key practices...

The Pillars

  1. Discovery Learning (not Proclamational Teaching)
    • Discovery Groups allow people to not just consume information, but instead to actively pursue truth
  2. Obedience-Focused Discipleship
    • Learning information doesn’t change lives. DGs focus on applying what Jesus tells us, and it’s in that step of obedience we experience something way more powerful than mere knowledge
  3. Immediate Sharing & Multiplication
    • Changed lives make others notice. When people share what’s happening, it tends to go viral…

The Practices

  1. A Time of Connecting and Sharing together about life
    • Non-Spiritual Questions that become something so much more
    • Thankfulness leads to praise, challenges lead to prayer and care
  2. Discover what the Bible says together
    • Sit in it together. Discovery is so much better than someone giving us the answers
  3. Respond to what it says with your life
    • Create “I Will Statements” and circle back to those next week
    • By living it out we can test its truth
    • Share with others! If it’s true it’s worth talking about


1. Leaders facilitate, they don’t teach
• This allows everyone to participate and discover truth together.
• This makes it possible to reproduce.
• This allows the Holy Spirit to be the teacher, not a person.

2. Focus on the GO section. Don’t skip the last two questions.
• Obedience is the main goal, not acquiring knowledge.
• By always focusing on what to do and who to share something with, we help form new disciples who possess the DNA of surrendering to Jesus and proclaiming his truth from the very beginning.

3. Try to stay in the passage and not bounce around.
• This allows everyone to stay on the same page, no matter how mature or undeveloped people are in their faith journeys.
• Often people who are new to discovering God can feel like an outsider if others keep referencing different passages in the Bible.
• Zooming in on one story helps focus the group instead of tackling too much in one setting.

4. Pass off leadership. Allow others to facilitate.
• Do this as soon as possible. It helps groups not be dependent on one dominant leader.
• Model and pass off. This actually serves to train people how to make disciples. Anyone can ask the questions.

5. Multiply. Who can start their own group?
• Set this vision from day one. Empower people to reach their own friends and family by starting a Discovery Group on their own.
• They don’t need to be an expert. There’s no qualifications needed to be a DBS facilitator... just a willingness to discover God together.
• The goal is not necessarily to “grow” groups by addition, but by multiplication.
• Sometimes people will stay in the original group while starting new groups, sometimes they won’t. Many factors play into this and it’s different for every setting, but the goal remains the same: to multiply. Make disciples who make disciples.

6. Use a Scripture list pathway and plans.
• Begin with a passage list that seems to fit the spiritual curiosity of the group. Check out 10 Stories of Hope or Journey of Jesus.
• Move on to other scripture lists depending on the group. Other lists focus on topics such as discipleship, baptism, living in community, and more.
• Inspiration Houses (simple church gatherings) can emerge from groups. As disciples are being formed, the group can be trained in Biblical Church Leadership, and be guided into a more mature expression of the gathered Body of Christ.


10 stories that reveal the radical love and hope of Jesus. This list is ideal for those searching for Good News in their lives.

1) Mark 2:1-12
2) John 3:1-17
3) Mark 5:1-20
4) Luke 7:37-50
5) Luke 15:11-32
6) Luke 17:11-19
7) Luke 18:9-14
8) Luke 19:1-10
9) John 4:1-42
10) Mark 4:1-20
Week 1: Psalm 139
Identity (known and created by God)

Week 2: Romans 8:28-39
Identity (more than conquerors)

Week 3: Luke 12:22-34
Identity (God’s love combats anxiety & worry)

Week 4: Romans 8: 9-17, 1 John 3:1-10
Identity (children of God)

Week 5: Matthew 5:13-16, Ephesians 2:10
Purpose (light of the world)

Week 6: 2 Corinthians 5:17-20
Purpose (ambassadors & reconcilers)

Week 7: Matthew 28:16-20
Purpose (Our great calling)
12 stories that follow the life and ministry of Jesus and is ideal for people interested in discovering what Jesus has to say about life, love, and purpose.
  1. Luke 5:1-11
  2. Luke 4:16-22
  3. Mark 2:1-12
  4. John 8:1-11
  5. Luke 7:36-50
  6. John 15:1-10
  7. Mark 8:31-37
  8. Mark 9:14-32
  9. John 13:1-17
  10. Luke 23:26-49
  11. John 20:1-18
  12. Matthew 28:16-20
1. Repent & Believe – John 3:1-16
2. Surrender – Romans 12:1-2
3. Declare (Baptism) – Acts 2:36-41
4. Obey – 1 John 2:3-6
5. Gather – Acts 2:37-42
6. Love – 1 Corinthians 13
7. Pray – Luke 18:1-8
8. Live – Colossians 3:1-10
9. Give – Mark 12:41-44 & 2 Corinthians 9:6-9
10. Multiply – Matthew 28:16-20
Week 1:
Genesis 1:1-31 (or Psalm 33:6-11), and John 1:1-14

Week 2:
Genesis 3:1-24, Romans 3:9-20

Week 3:
Genesis 12:1-5, Genesis 15:1-6, and Galatians 3:6-9
God’s Promise to & through Abram

Week 4:
Exodus 12:21-30 and 1 Corinthians 5:7
The Promise of Passover
Week 5:
Leviticus 4:1-35 and Hebrews 9:11-10:14
The Sacrificial System

Week 6:
2 Samuel 7:8-16 and Acts 13:16-41
Covenant with David

Week 7:
Ezekiel 34:11-31 and John 10:2-14
Sheep & Shepherd

Week 8:
Isaiah 61:1-9 and Luke 4:16-22
Jesus, bringer of Good News

Week 9:
Isaiah 53
Isaiah Foreshadows the Coming Promise

Week 10:
Luke 23:26-49
Jesus fulfills the Promise

Week 11:
John 20:1-18
Jesus fulfills the Promise (pt2)

Week 12:
Matthew 28:16-20 and Acts 1:8
The Task

Week 13:
John 14:15-21, Acts 2:1-41
The Holy Spirit

Week 14:
2 Corinthians 5:17-21
Our identity as Ambassadors

Week 15:
Revelation 21:1-8
The fulfillment of everything
  1. Commitment to One Another – Hebrews 10:19-25
  2. The Body of Christ – Romans 12:3-8
  3. Love One Another – 1 John 3:11-24
  4. God’s Chosen People – Colossians 3:12-17
  5. Become a Fully Functioning Group – Acts 2:42-47, 1 Corinthians 11:23-34
  6. On Mission Together – Luke 10:1-11
  7. On Mission Together (pt 2) – Matthew 28:16-20
  8. Give – Acts 4:32-37 & 2 Corinthians 9:6-9
  9. Unity in God’s Household – Ephesians 2:11-22